About Darlene
Channel and Scribe for the Ascended Masters/Source
Transformation / Enlightenment
Evolutionary Consciousness
Sacred Activist
I am a steward, entrusted with a divine message.
“The challenge is to BE the courage that is willing to see beyond what is taken for granted, and then, through your inspired moments, to move into action and BE all that is for you to BE.
YOU are the light of the world.
Now what?”
~The Council of Light
Darlene: A Divine Appointment
A 40-year spiritual quest fueled by a deep sense of mission, an inner calling, and a lifetime of mystical experiences, culminated in an invitation by the Ascended Masters to write with them in 2017.
The purpose of our collaboration has been clear. To support humanity in navigating the tumult of a shifting era by accessing the next elevated state of consciousness, sourced by Love.
It has now been seven years. I continue to learn as there is never an arriving. I experience the perspective of my I AM. And now I see.
Who I AM is Love. I stand for the elevation of consciousness for humanity and the expanded presence of Love.
And so, it is.
From Darlene
This work is a helping hand and guiding light of the divine extended to humanity at a time of shifting paradigms.
The passing era was one of separation and division. The new era of human evolution is unity consciousness. Not only in our environment and globally, but first, it must occur within each one of us. In Service to Love asks us to claim our divine nature and the wisdom of our I AM. As we do, we heal the existential “missing” of separation and live from a greater expression of wholeness.
Naturally sourced by Love, we walk the sacred ground of Gaia in balance. The divine light of Love shines through each one of us uniquely, perfectly. We are each a facet of the divine, singing a note that is only ours, adding to the exquisite symphony of creation.
“When you choose to be all of you, you allow the door to open to your essential truth. You allow the light of your divine nature to contribute to your life in a way that becomes more conscious. You do not have to be fully enlightened to access the light of your essential Self. All that is required is an opening, and the evolutionary movement toward your wholeness may begin. In an unconscious state, the restrictions of the density of your human nature define limitation and boundaries that inhibit the expression of your light, like the folding over of a hose will restrict the flow of water.
As you gradually allow the expansive expression of your divine light to be actualized you no longer stand in the density of the material world, you stand in the light of Love and create from your I AM Self. Your radiant light transforms. When one turns on the light in a darkened room, what had been hidden from view becomes available. When you stand in your light, your high frequency presence contributes to ALL, beyond your ability to know.”
Unshakable Self-Confidence:
Unshakable Self-Confidence:
Beth and Friends Surf the Cosmos:
In Service to Love with Darlene Green:
In Service to Love with Darlene Green:
Below the normal flow of life, I felt something “missing.” I experienced a deep calling to something sacred, and elusive that lived as a soulful drumbeat to my days. I had inner experiences I could not understand. I heard the voice of my “Council” at four years of age.
Mystical visions and experiences have been a consistent part of my life.
Through my experience as both student and Scribe for the voice of the Ascended Masters, I am reunited with my soul’s wisdom and purpose. I live from a perspective greater than my humanity alone. I see the exquisite beauty of everyone and of our precious Earth. I am inspired to action that resides beyond my personality. And it all seems so clear, and so simple.
This collaboration of heaven and earth remains very much a sacred mystery for me with not one millisecond taken for granted. From the perspective of my personality, I cannot understand the magnitude of the expression that continues to unfold and am often at a loss for words as I stand in the presence of Love. I continue to live the consciousness journey of humanity.
Enlightenment is not the end. It is a platform for what else is possible.
We are Love. Within the process of scribing In Service to Love, there have been many hundreds and thousands of beings present. Jeshua, Archangel Gabriel, and Archangel Michael were introduced early in life. Thoth, representing the Patron of Scribes was intermediary, developing and transducing our connection. Many have had physical lives, for example Mary Magdalene, Isis, St. Francis, St, Germain, Buddha, Sai Baba, Sanat Kumara, Melchizedek, Pythagoras, St. Augustine, Michael Angelo, and the Great White Brotherhood. Each group, or being, holds a certain perspective and unique expression within the totality of Love and step forward in particular conversations. Many groups and Councils that are beyond the physical expression, yet hold the intention and interest in the expansion of Love’s light throughout creation include, Council of Nine, Council of Thirteen, Grace, Infinite Oneness, Golden Stargate, White Feather Council of Elders, and a myriad more.
The perspective however of In Service to Love resides beyond individual contributions. The voice of Love is consistent, beyond personality and identification. And that is the point. Ultimately you see who you have always been, is Love.