The Vision of One

LOVE NOW CONSCIOUSNESS is the result of my 6-year collaboration with the Ascended Masters/Love/Source. I have been the first student of this extraordinary work. I have walked each day’s lesson and am led to the exquisite experience and the perspective of I AM. Beyond the cacophony of external happenings, is an inner stillness and clarity. I am not the only one reaching beyond perceived limitation to the light of Love. Do you see it too? Do you remember yourself AS Love? The choice to stand in the frequency of Love, holding presence, is powerful. If you are also choosing to BE Love, to be a stand for the expansion of Love’s light, let me know. Send me an email. Let’s shine together.

Our joined global intention makes a difference. Are you ready to declare an intention to being Love? Living from your soul’s highest perspective? In bringing all of you to your life, you claim your human nature as well as your divine nature. This is the new definition of wholeness. This is a natural evolutionary expression and platform for unity.

The process of claiming your divinity is enlightenment. Enlightenment is an expanded state of consciousness where you become aware of the limitations inherent in your human nature and see from a broader perspective. Your I AM offers a vast viewpoint, guidance, wisdom, peace, innovative capacity, freedom, sovereignty, and so much more. As limiting perspectives are identified, and the divine light of your I AM/Higher Self/Source/Love is integrated, your essence shines unhindered.

As we each stand arm in arm with the intention to make a difference through elevating our consciousness, the Love that we are, ripples throughout creation, shining light onto the darkest of corners.

We are the leaders of the new paradigm, ushering in Love, the new expression for what it means to be human. This is the return to the sacred. Now is the time.

From LOVE,


Sneak Peek At An Upcoming Book


LOVE NOW CONSCIOUSNESS picks up where In Service to Love Book Three: Love Now leaves off.

The result of living each day’s teaching is not neutral. I am led by Love to the lived reality of my own divinity. My perspective shifts from the limited viewpoint of my humanity, to holding the perspective of my soul. Living from my purpose, I choose to presence Love and to support the elevation of consciousness for humanity. For those that are ready, Love Now Consciousness is a bridge to living from the synergy of wholeness which accesses the richness of the human experience as well as the Love, wisdom, grace, clarity and innovative capacity of our divine nature.
This is the new human experience.


1: The Voice of Love

Love’s voice has remained consistent throughout the ages. Love asks “no-thing” of you. Love beckons you forth into your own divine expression, unhindered by the illusion of barriers to all that you already are. What has evolved is Love’s expression new in every moment. How could the events depicted in the bible be applicable to your time now? We invite you to consider the possibility of Love’s expression beyond the collective consciousness filled with interpretations of what Love has already written. The ancient events born of Love are interpreted by those that already hold a preconceived perception of Love’s totality. Let us be clear. The limitations you hold as a human being limit the scope of your vision.

You are invited into your own unique communion with Love. “What’s in it for you?” you ask? Love is All. All there is.

The impulse of Love is the force that creates universes. The illumination of Love catalyzes the expression of Love you are, to your highest calling. The remembrance of Love invites you to seek your soul’s very essence.

Sit with Love, in its full potency, only if you dare reveal your nakedness and risk losing the comfort of illusion’s veil.


3. Living in Light

Leave your burdens at the threshold.

As one approaches the sacred altar, the burdens of the soul may be held there. For safekeeping. When you choose to take them on again, you may. You will notice the relief that comes from the release of burdens you never recognized. The holding on of weighted burdens is a function of the human nature.

Darlene your elevated connection asks for a new level of commitment moving forward. As you hold the perspective of your highest expression, you hold a fine vibration reflecting what is now available for your access. In the same way earlier stages were supported with daily contact, so it is true now. Not meant to be a burden. This is a space of refuge in your day. Your human nature is used to doing things on your own, shouldering the burden. We lovingly ask you Dear One to release the weight you perceive of global responsibility. You have naturally reached a space that is a perspective with a broad viewpoint. Rather than worrying about what it is that you need to knit your worlds together, we ask you to make yet another leap of faith and allow. Allow the next stage of your growth to emerge naturally. You may not contrive it. It is only born or the in the Now moment communication that we have developed and that continues to evolve.

Your thoughts of hard work keep pushing away that which is yours. Allow Dear One everything is in position. Allow yourself to Be-loved. Walking in the space of light is easier than you imagine. Rise above the density you perceive. It doesn’t mean you are not participating in the physical realm. It means you have found a way to live your light. Holding the space of your enlightenment during your day furthers your own awareness. We are always here Beloved. We always will be. Rest in the arms of Love.


4. Living Enlightened

Love evolves! Love is never still, yet ever-present. Enlightenment is not a goal you achieve and then “take that off your to do list.” Created within each Now immaculate moment, your expression, sourced by the highest frequency of your being affords you the opportunity to be new in each Now moment. Enlightenment is a discipline to be mastered as you experience the beauty of your own humanity informed by your divinity.

Enlightenment is the act of living beyond circumstance as you choose powerfully how you BE. No longer informed primarily by your external world, you choose moment by moment, the perspective held at your fully enlightened access. It is this access to your light that allows you to respond in the physical world rather than react. In the same way you try to hold back the tide, unsuccessfully, your humanity will continually strive for the easiest path informed by limited perception. The lull of collective consciousness will continually wage war with your inner knowing and access to the divine. So it is, at this time of evolution. As leaders in the evolution of Love, you have answered the call for the expansion of Love’s voice. You have already chosen to live beyond the fray into the crystal clarity of your own divine knowing.

This is not your first rodeo! You have done this before. You have shown up at times in response to Love’s request for light to seed the darkness. This is the definition of way showers. It is impossible for you to be a part of the collective consciousness and hold the light of your own soul’s mission. You rise above the frequency of the density of the collective and hold a strong light for those that have forgotten Love’s refuge. It is not yours to decide for others, it is only yours to BE you as no one else may.

Your mission is being all of you. Daily, look within, with a discerning heart, beyond circumstance. See, what is yours to see Now. Do what is yours to do Now. Be who it is for you to be Now. Have all that is for you to have Now. Shine the light of your brilliance without shame for being different. You cannot be a leader and blend in. That was an illusion in place until you saw more clearly who you are.

Move beyond the experience of burden into the light of Love. Allow Love to lift you. You are the Be-Loved. Stoke the inner fires of your own knowing. Allow time daily to connect with the unknown of the Now moment. Listen for what becomes available Now. Trust the tenacity of your soul. Remember.

The light of you asks to be tended. Enlightenment may not be relegated to the world of “known.” Enlightenment still resides in the realm of unknown. The magic elixir of enlightenment is drunk only in the Now moment.

Hold strong to your faith of Love’s revolution. The focus is not on the external. Turn inward. Wage Love. Focus on rising above the density of your environment so that you may shine your brightest. So, you BE, heaven on Earth.


5. The Thin Fabric of Now

The concept of Now is not unfamiliar to you. You have resonance with the concept. Your soul knows the veracity of the experience. Do you know how to get there Now?

In your human experience you live from an increasingly “shattered” focus. The advent of technology, while being a natural evolutionary occurrence requires your way of being to adapt. Consider you have adapted as you multi-task, developing expertise with the devices you use during your day. You stay on the leading edge of what is now available in technology. Consider each of these skills requires an external referencing. As you increasingly shine your light externally, your attention moves away from your internal knowing. Not that you can’t get there, but the experience is often a day filled with so many things that draw your attention externally, you have adapted to external referencing as a way of being with a respite of meditation where you reflect inwardly. We would like to introduce a new way of being that is a match for your enlightened access where your primary way of being is internally referenced.

When you focus intention and awareness inwardly, you re-Source your light expression. As you practice this at the start your day you will find that you give less of you to the external demands. Does that make sense to you? As you begin your day, reorient yourself inwardly, then everything else that follows is seen through the lens of your highest and greatest expression where you connect with possibility in the Now moment. Your attention will draw you magnetically to the highest frequency available as well as the moment itself.

Imagine a target, or bullseye, as in darts. As you reorient your awareness daily (and a number of times throughout your day) to your inner “starting point,” you are automatically pulled into a finer and finer awareness. Equally, you will find the distractions diminish. With practice you will move closer to the center where your awareness is acute. From this space you handle the demands of your external world with a laser like approach that is filled with the light of your authentic expression. Because there is less resistance as you BE in your life authentically, your energy is supported, not drained.

Conscious Declaration and Receiving

What happens at the very center of the “target”? That is a space of the immaculate Now where you access your divine knowing from the space of “I don’t know.” It is the space of your highest innovation and transformation.

Practice sitting down and relaxing. Take a deep breath. “I bring all parts of me present here and Now.” I bring all parts of me present here and Now.” “I bring all parts of me present here and Now.” You will notice your awareness convenes with your physical presence. It is a subtle sensation.

Imagine a silver film or fabric that is above you, like the ceiling of a room. Look for the small “hole” in the fabric that is the access to the area above the silver fabric. Once you find it, move above the silver veil into the space beyond the fabric. The feeling is vast. The sense is of “empty.”


Wait. BE in this space without doing anything. Notice if information, words, sounds, colors arise in the space. If you move into the space with the intention to receive, you will. You cannot anticipate. You won’t know it until it happens. That is the space of I don’t know.


You may also move into this vibrational field with intention. Bring into this field of potential your intentions for wealth, clarity, wholeness on all levels, as your birthright! You will feel the field adjust slightly to your request. Know you are meeting the field of greatest potential, in the Now immaculate moment. Highly potent and creative. You feel the blank canvas. You are mostly used to receiving, we ask you to become familiar with conscious declaration.

You must make sure the intentions you hold are free from clutter. In other words, if you say, “I want to win the lottery.” and everything about your energetic field says, “I need!” you will create more of that. So, before going into this space, move to the perspective of your highest divine expression where you are perfect, whole, and complete. From this space there is no need. There is declaration, and clarity and joy and connection with the divine brilliance of you. From this sacred space, you create from your soul’s expression beyond what your human expression can see or comprehend.

Consider the space of the Now immaculate moment is a location. Like going to the beach, you prepare. Be still, breathe, you are not accessing anything outside of you. This is a manual for contacting everything that is already who you are. As you develop an adeptness with this finely tuned awareness, you will find the distractions in your life will be less distracting, your focus will more keenly honed and you will be living your soul’s joy and expression at a higher frequency level.

The purpose of our discourse is to support you as a divine being of light extended into form. Your day is filled with that which supports your humanity. We provide equal attention to your divine nature so that your humanity may live ascended. You are after all, heaven on earth.


7. Finding You

We endeavor, as Love’s voice to beckon you to your wholeness. You don’t know what you have missed until you arrive at the doorstep to your Self. Much of humanity has the common experience of a deep loneliness even when surrounded by people. Consider you fundamentally miss you. Life seems to be a puzzle. Putting together the pieces that are easy to fit together first, then gradually working your way to the core of the picture. Within the experience of your life, your conscious awareness of you is what has been missing.

With each new discovery through the stages of living your life there is the hope that this is the missing piece. Attention moves externally to find the something that fills the gap that yearns for wholeness. Elusive, connection is sought through other avenues that temporarily release inner pain.

It is not until the mirror is turned toward your own reflection that there is even hope of filling the existential “missing.” The pain of separation is personal. It lives as “the something” to be discovered that will fill the well of being. The pain on planet earth reflects this deep eternal yearning. The source of the pain is commensurate with the distance travelled away from Self. As you live your life away from the central core of your being, like being in the parched sands of the desert, your thirst may not be quenched.

You may find your Self as you turn inward and seek your own counsel. Learn the language of your soul. Rise above the din of the collective consciousness and external distraction. Realize your greatest pain may be filled by the divine light of you. As you begin to fill your moments with the unspeakable beauty of you, you see the beauty that has surrounded you always. No longer alone, you are connected to All. This is what becomes available through the journey of your own enlightenment. You see who you have always been and not only that you have never been alone, you may never be alone.

Enlightenment has been held on the top shelf of humanity, away from the view of most. We endeavor to show you how the process of enlightenment leads you to your wholeness. Enlightened is already who you are. You are a divine being charading as less than. Who you are is Source extended into form. Hear the clarion call for your return to you.

Expect full enlightenment so that your own perfect mission of Love is made manifest. That is why you have called us to you now. To remind you of how to find your Self.


8. The Undefended Heart

The physical realm is not designed to keep you suspended only in a state of bliss, or to promise you would be unscathed by your life. The physical realm is the realm of sentient experience, where you are afforded the opportunity to express and experience, ultimately for the evolution and expansion of your soul. The sentient realm is about you finding your own way, around and through the pain and the beauty as you design your life in each moment with each choice. From your soul’s perspective the prospect of being in the physical realm offers great opportunity.

When you stand back and hold a broad perspective you may already see the wisdom of your decisions, or the gifts of your life and the people that have graced your moments and days. Consider everything is perfect already. Your choice, for enlightenment brings a broad perspective, light, and wisdom to your life. This is not another goal, or carrot in your life. Consider your choice for or against enlightenment is just that, a choice. There is no arguing for or against. When the time is right for you, you start to notice the parts of your life that no longer fit. You begin to see what was not available previously. The glimpses into your divinity brings deep resonance and a feeling of home. No one else can make the choice for you. This is not a choice made by your ego, or your personality, or because it is a logical step.

One day you will feel the presence of something more and like a glint of light that shines at the periphery of your vision, you turn slightly and feel the brilliance of your truth. You know that you know.

Enlightenment is the process where you claim your divine nature. Aligned with your I AM Self. Standing in the space of an empowering perspective adds to the quality of your life. Enlightenment is not the “new” better, or the new “cause.” Enlightenment is your choice for wholeness. Your broad perspective allows you to see the wholeness and beauty that has always been. The pain of living a physical life exists still. Enlightenment allows you to bring depth, compassion, and Love to the challenging moments. Enlightenment allows you to fully live the contribution you choose to be.

When you live from the perspective of wholeness, you see “what is.” The need to argue one perspective over another is moot. Grace enters every harsh encounter. You become Love, unapologetically. The shields you have held locked around your heart fall away in the presence of Love. You become undefended. In the experience of divine Love, your heart may not be impacted by ANY outside force.

In the presence of Love, fear has no place to stand.


10. Love is Here

As I sit down in front of my computer tonight, I settle in. I breathe deeply. My mind wanders and I move back to my center. My question is, “Where is Love? Where do I find you tonight?” The answer descends upon me.

Love is here Darlene. The presence of Love, Darlene, is not something that may be prepared for. Not something that you may negotiate with. Not something you may get set to find. Do the deep breathing, listen to the music, for their own sake. However, it is Love that is much closer to you always, than the getting ready. As you look in the direction of settling your mind, Love watches. As you get ready to get ready, Love watches. Love is always here Beloved.

Love does not wait for my prayers to be finished. Love does not wait for me to move to my sacred space to release yet more, so I may listen and see more clearly. Love is here before I have the intention to find Love. Love is fundamental to creation.

First, there was Love.

Everything else is an expression of Love. Love has held you always.

Love’s message is one of assurance. All is well. You are enough. At your essence, you are the brilliant reflection of Love. It happens first, from your state of being. There is nothing you may do that will bring on Love. For Love is the air you breathe, the light you see, the breeze you feel, the majesty of nature around you, the person next to you, the person across the world you will never meet. They too are finding their own way, most without realizing they are already Love. They are already, all they would ever choose to seek.

Enlightenment is the process of releasing who you are not, so you may align more closely with the divine Love that you already are.

At your creation, before your first breath, was Love there, cherishing you.


11. You Are Love

Before your soul was born, was Love. Love is eternal. You hold the qualities of Love. How could it be otherwise. In the presence of Love, your cells respond. Your whole being quakes in recognition.

If Love is All, you ask, “Then why doesn’t this world look like Love?”

Love will always guide you toward the highest most expansive expression of your evolving divine design. You hold many futures, each determined by your choice moment by moment. You have the freedom to choose the constrictive, diminishing expression as well. When the absence of Love’s light is in action in your material world you see where Love’s highest potential is not met. You see a soul, created in Love, that chooses annihilation. Love is All, unconditionally. That includes Love’s expression at the highest as well as the lowest of frequencies. The most constrictive expressions of Love experience great resistance as the natural evolutionary movement is towards expansion. These souls, in varying lifetimes, choose the opposite of Love. Their expression is also a contribution to you as it rallies your fortitude and resonant knowing toward your own greatest expression. As Love begets Love, the result is the exponential expansion of Love.

Hold your gaze on Love’s greatest potential made manifest. BE all that it is for you to be. Know with each step you take you are urged on with Love. Shine the brilliance of your authentic nature. You are the light of the world.


14. Home

What if you weren’t jaded by your past? What if you didn’t still carry hurt and armor from your life? Can you even imagine what it would be like to no longer be burdened by loss or stand on top of the mountain of pain and beliefs that you hold that have you being somehow less than? Consider the bumps and bruises of the physical realm are with you still.

Consider the reactionary guarding to the painful events, loss, and trauma of your life. Every time you felt you had to don your armor, or protect your heart, you gave up your innocence. It is your loss of innocence that has you disconnect from your own natural divine essence now. How can you trust to be so vulnerable? Your greatest gifts are only found within your innocence. You have become hardened to the density of the physical realm and the experience of separation consciousness, which is an important part of your soul’s journey. If you look deeply, you may find a sense of resignation, or perhaps, “My dreams were the folly of a child.” As an adult there is a reorientation to what you perceive as reality. You have adapted to the limited, restricted perceptions of the collective consciousness even though you know you hold a viewpoint that resonates at a higher frequency. This gap is holding you at arm’s length from donning your full radiant light body now.

So now what? Intend to restore your innocence. Move your thoughts back to a time when you held no armor. Imagine now the armor you held was purposeful and is no longer necessary. You hold the light of Love now. There is nothing that can get in your way. You are at a new space of your life. As you return to your innocence you release the coverings to your own light. Now, release the ways you have experienced separation within yourself. Release the armor. Beloved, stand in the light of Love perfect, whole, complete, in your full radiance Now.

As you intend to release the residual of separation’s pain, focus on your own wholeness. Intend the return to your own innocence. In the light of Love, you need nothing else. The time you have been waiting for is here. You have been preparing your whole life. Now the era that has opened invites you to your full multidimensional, radiant self where you connect powerfully and potently with the gifts, knowing, abilities, and capacity to move in light.  

Return home to your own wholeness, undiminished by the pain and perceptions of the past. Your past has not placed scars on your heart. Your heart is too big to be damaged. Turn and face the warmth of your own truth. Welcome home your own innocence. And BE all that is yours to BE.


19. Do You Dare?

Do you dare unveil your heart long enough to hope? Do you hope the winds of freedom within your soul are real? Do you dare believe the Love that embraces your every moment is more than a whisper of the truth?

 The promise has always been real. When you have lived within the vison of the promise for so long as leaders in the revolution of Love, you begin to think you are the only one standing for what could be possible.  

You have experienced yelling truth against the howling winds of collective consciousness.

Even as you struggled and questioned the veracity of your own truth, did Love weep with you.

The tide has turned, as it must. Do you dare turn the tide of your stand against the darkness?

Turn, Dear One, put up the sails so the sweet winds of illumination set you newly upon your course.

Your stand for Love is real. Your vison for peace, prosperity, compassion, and wholeness has held space for the sacred. Love’s stand for you is real. Hear this Dear One, Love has always been a stand for your freedom, expansion, discovery, wholeness, and unbridled joy.

The time is Now.

Do you dare give up the struggle? Beloved, do you dare see your fully illumined Self?


20. The Cleared Path

Before you, lies a path of least resistance laid out by your own divine light knowing. As if the seas have parted and revealed the most perfect choices and direction for your life journey. The light of the pathway is dimmed by your own agenda that is run by beliefs, your history, and your own expectations about how life occurs.

There is a disconnect that exists between what you know in philosophy and even take on as a tenet for living, and the choices you make in your life. Today we shine light on that which gets in the way of what you say you want and fully expressing who you say you are.

To the extent your life is not in alignment with who you know yourself to be, you are leading in your life with your human nature as opposed to your divine nature. Within your spiritual journey there is much that soothes your soul and releases pain that has been long held. Often people stop looking for their own divine expression when the pain and pressure of being human is released, even temporarily. Many stall out in their spiritual path at this point. Consider the spiritual path is mostly lead by the human nature to the next elevated, broader perspective available that is within the nature of being human. As you access more of the light that you are already there is a point where you come to terms with your own divine nature. This is the connecting point we refer to. If you can agree that who you are is Source, extended into form, then at some point in your spiritual journey you take on that who you are is Source in form. There is a point where you activate your divine nature. From the broad perspective that is available from your divine nature, all the needs of your human nature are met, beyond what you as human could devise.

Assume the perspective of your own divine nature. Shift your viewpoint to your own I AM Self. The vision, inspiration, and clarity available from your own divine essence clears the path before you. 


26. And Love Waits

As you look for Love, Love has already found you. Love waits for the simplest of times to show you that what you most want has already been beside you. Amid the noise and activity of your day, you rest in the arms of Love.

But your personality can’t see it. Your personality pushes aside that which you yearn for, holding at bay that which is the most vital to your soul. In protection. You see, your personality has taken on the role of guard and gatekeeper of your heart. All the disappointments and pain of the past have emboldened the guardian of your heart, binding it with chains and locks to assure pain will not reach your innocence lost.

The guardian of your heart is Loved. Soon the strain of keeping guard will allow release as the gentle lull of Love wafts nearby. As you release the grip on life needing to be as you have planned, you begin to allow the way it has been, and equally, the way it has not been. You bring wholeness to your being.

Soon, as fear is replaced with Love, the guardian of your heart will move aside in allowance of the brilliant light and warmth of Love.

In the meantime, Love waits, beside you, around you, gently holding the sacredness of your soul.  


66. Transparency

When you don’t have the mechanisms for hiding any more, you are seen. It is human nature for your personality to cloak the essential self within the material world. The enlightenment process moves beyond the barriers, to your truth, releasing your cloak of anonymity. As you see beyond the illusion you must come to terms with the reality of who you are as Source. Who you are as Love.

The personality must release control as your essence steps forward. Density of vision may stop others from seeing themselves, however, when you hold the light of Love unshielded, you are recognized, and catalyze the resonant expression of light in others. As simple as a smile at the grocery store, eye contact reveals the magnitude of your presence beyond words. Your transparent authenticity shines.

You are speaking the universal language of Love, compassion, and Grace.


78. Revelations in the Light

Only as you travel to your own expression in light are answers available beyond the frequency of material density. The more you reach into the safe harbor of your divine essence, you feel the harsh frequency of human nature looking within human nature for clarity.

This disparity is a call for your beingness to affirm connection with the wisdom, Love, peace, and compassion that resides within your essential self, your I AM. You have chosen expression within the material world for your own soul’s evolution as well as contributing to the evolutionary expansion of Love’s light. All you need is within.


79. The Call of Now

The Now moment stands eternally as gateway to your divine nature expressed fully. It is your human nature that is enticed beyond the arena of Now, by musings of the future, past events, drama, and fears held closely.

It is only within the Now that the burden of fear, loss, and betrayal of the past may be gently laid upon your altar and gifted the elevated state of wholeness.

When the events of the past are released you are free to create newly from the expanding perspective you hold, informed by your I AM Self.

Your expanding awareness calls you to Now.

All you need is present Now. Recline into the safe harbor of Now where you may be bathed in the light of Love.


80. Living with the Pain of Human Nature

The sentient experience is, one that is laden with emotion. As an exquisitely beautiful experience resides at one end of the spectrum, excruciatingly painful experience resides at the opposite.

From the perspective of your soul’s evolution, every pain-filled experience is an opportunity to move through the situation or event, with your heart held open, undefended, unmatured, with nothing hidden, unresolved or shut down.

Pain is the catalyst for the density of reaction.

As you move on your path of enlightenment you allow the light of Love to color your moments, and the density of pain becomes balanced with the broad perspective available from your I AM Self.

When you experience pain and can hold your heart open in resolution, regardless of the event your soul experiences ultimate growth.


81. Dedicated to Love

The vast array of your life experiences ultimately reach the fire of Love’s light. Within the choice for a soul to remain unconscious, that moment of resolution occurs at transition. For you that have chosen the experience of enlightenment, the light of resolution occurs consciously within the moments of your life. The fabric of sentient experience is woven with the threads of each moment.

You have experiences that uplift and expand your awareness and you also hold the experience of disappointment, betrayal, injustice, loss, and grief. The burden of unresolved experience remains in your field until at some point you choose the light of resolution. The process of grief is just that, a process.

As you move through the pain of your life, so you no longer need to hold the burden, you may consciously come to terms with the past, honoring and releasing that which no longer serves your ascended path of enlightenment.

The path is thoughtful, resonant, soulful, and complete. There is a laying upon the sacred altar, the pain of the past unconditionally.

When you choose to be complete, the issue may still not be resolved from the perspective of your humanity. This is where the allowing of divine light into your experience occurs. You may choose to engage your divine nature to relieve the burden of your human nature.

Beyond a prayer, a wish, or a thought, the process of dedicating your pain and burden to Love’s fire allows the alchemical action of wholeness to occur. The issue no longer needs to be figured out, tolerated, pushed away, resisted, or engaged.

When you are ready, and feel the resonance to do so, you may dedicate your pain to Love and receive the experience as the gift it offers for your soul’s evolution.

You will find on the other side of your pain is the freedom and truth of your own perfection.


82. The Touchstone of Love

It is in the most difficult and challenging times of your life your human nature searches first, for all there is to do. It is your heart that in the meantime feels. Do you notice the distinctions between your thinking, planning, strategizing, and your heart?

Your strategizing and planning will surge to the forefront shielding the vulnerability of your heart. It is your heart that governs now.

The strategizing is reflective of the right-wrong, oppositional consciousness of an era passed. It is within the sacred chambers of your heart that you live now. The old methods led by limitations of your human nature, no longer align with your expansive perspective. Engage in conversation with your heart.

Your I AM Self provides all the inner reference required now. Within the safe-haven of your own heart, you receive clarity and assurance. Life from the Christed-mind is decidedly different. The Christ-Self has risen beyond the material limitations. The Christ-Self is in full attunement with Love.

Seek Love as your counsel. Love is your eternal touchstone.


83. The Open Door to Love

Present in every moment, is the path of your most authentic expression. Your life as informed solely by your history and the limitation of human nature alone, is complete.  You have come too far now. For you to fit into the awareness you previously held, you would need to shut down access to your most vital Source, the light of divine Love.

The reality of your expansive connection and perspective shows up in your days. In addition to living this actuality, the sober realization of how far you have come underscores your truth. Now, rather than being courageous with the risk of leaving the perceived safety of collective consciousness, you celebrate a life lived through resonance, graced with Love, freedom, compassion, inspiration, innovation, wisdom, and peace.

You are the gift to the world. You, Beloved, are the open door to Love.


84. Room for Compassion

The turbulent era you live within ignites a sense of survival as you work to find your balance. Yet the tools embedded in separation consciousness, that at one time were reliable, no longer apply. You hold a vast perspective now. The balance between your humanity and your divinity feels challenging, revealing innocence and vulnerability exposed with an open heart.

Your heart is the only way through. You may not think your way through to the next chamber of your awareness. Bring compassion to your Self and those around you. The finer frequencies you inhabit resist the dense vibration of criticism and separation. The refined expression of compassion is a balm restoring balance, ease, and grace.

Breathe in compassion for your Self and your courageous journey of the heart and soul.

Rest Beloved.


85. Love, Your Bellwether

In many ways the process of enlightenment is perceived as elusive, challenging, and mostly unattainable. In truth, your enlightened expression experiences life with more clarity, simplicity, ease and no longer as mysterious. The illusion of living within the material world is released, revealing a vast perspective free of the binds of density and opposition.

Your life now is led not by your past, not by your limitations, but by Love. Love’s light is your natural bellwether.


86. This is Not About Love; This IS Love

Every religion has their own version of divine mastery embodied by a person, by a Master that has overcome the limitations and frailties of humanity. The Master lives as intercessor or as a door to a sacred divinity untouched by most.

The stories live on with deep resonance for the reflection of Love that is present. The historical events live profoundly in the present moment through the heart’s recognition of truth. The messages are potent, and transformative, serving as inspiration that elevates the experience of humanity.

What becomes possible as you contemplate the rich messages of history? Consider the possibility of being the divine sacred that resides within you now and having that be the lens you live your life through.

The messages about Love pale in comparison to the reality of you AS Love. Live the reality of Love.

Call upon your greatest gifts and vast perspective to inform and transform your life. The depth and breadth of Love lives in you right Now. This is who you truly BE.


87. Look at You

The revelation of Love’s light transforms. Take you, for example. There was a time when you could not see beyond the encasing of your history and expectations formed by limitations. And then you heard your own still, quiet voice in the distance. 

The sound resonated though your being and you remembered, distantly, faintly, a promise you had made your Self.

Come to the light of your truth. Venture beyond the rubble of the pain, hurt and disappointment, and look beyond.

Look where you have never looked before.

And as you gathered the courage to trust in a world you could not see, you began. Your tenacity for truth and your faith in Love pulled you onward in the face of little proof. You encountered trials and still you would not be stopped. You peered deeply within your humanity and discovered your divinity.

One of your greatest challenges was not in seeing Love around you, for the warmth of Love like the radiance of spring’s sun upon the winter snow, melted the barriers between you and others. Your greatest challenge was in seeing the searingly potent light of Love within yourself. You encountered the judgement of audacity when you first even considered that YOU, may be Source, God, Love.

You, Beloved, are the story of transformation. Of the triumph of Love’s light over all obstacles. Look in the mirror. Look at you. 

Behold the face of God. 


96. Living the Reality of Love

Nothing can prepare you for the experience. No texts can describe the magic. Words fall short in capturing the life altering experience that is available for all that choose.

As if you have been living your life as a cut-out doll, life is flat and dull. And then with a life-giving breath, Love pulls you awake and fills out your experience with depth and dimension. A whole new world is available. When you choose your time to wake from the slumber of density, the reality available could not even be imagined. What would you do if you had the ear of God? What if you could bridge dimensions and speak with Masters as naturally as going to the grocery store? What if the mission of your soul was for the purpose of expanding Love’s light so All could see?

Your humanity rails at the audacity. Your divine nature assures your every footstep made in the name of Love. Beloved, trust your Self. You know how to do this.


107. Always

It starts with the courage to inquire about life. Then in the early stages of your expanding awareness, you begin to see beyond what you have accepted as the parameters of your reality. With closer inspection you see how your essence lies beyond your thoughts and emotions. Your past, and the collective consciousness doesn’t answer the questions that are heavy on your heart. So, your journey farther afield is fueled. Your search is driven by a potent knowing yet undefined.

Gradually, you release the safety of the known to dip your toe into the sea of possibility. You find with each discovery the light of your heart is warmed and the north star of your journey becomes not something outside of you, but a familiar, resounding resonance of Love. Each step into the arms of Love has you realize you are the One. You are the Beloved. And then, you see, Love is who you have been all along. Love, in every moment aligns you with your own potency, as it must. Love is your authentic nature. When your human nature is enlightened by the brilliance of Love you see beyond the veil of the great mystery. You see, looking back at your life, your trials, your walk through the desert, was when you forgot your own truth.

Now, you experience Love’s eternal heartbeat. Always.


117. In Service

You find that as you align your day with the light of your divine essence, the perspective that becomes available has moved beyond your life to a global perspective. When you see others not only as interconnected with you but as divine expressions of Love you have moved into the realm of your soul’s work. Your specific expression, the very essence of who you BE becomes the gift to the world and all creation. It is no longer about what you do, although you will be guided by a higher authority than your personality. It is no longer about your self-interests however you will find your natural expression is your greatest joy.

Who you Become is the being of In Service to Love, perfectly and more naturally than you could ever imagine. Love is naturally in service, not in the sense of a giving up of oneself for another, but in acknowledgement of the sacred gift you already are, where your highest authentic expression is a sacred contribution to the wholeness of Love.


119. The Call, The Answer

When you reach the fine realms of your own light essence you touch the infinite. From the space of the infinite stillness, you move beyond hearing from your guides, and other Master teachers to focusing your attention immaculately, and finely tuned to your Self.  The presence of the Council of Light in our work together facilitates the process for your own realization of your infinite nature. Once you are in the stillness of your Self, you are automatically connected with All as well. Masters and teachers of your own Council of Light are present.  As though you gain adeptness in tuning all else out except the stillness and the vastness that is you. This space is but another threshold experience to a new, clearer alignment with I AM Self.

Your I AM Self has been calling you into awareness, into realization and actualization, watching over you since the moment you were born. You have never been separated, in spite of the illusion you reside within.  Now, the return to your I AM Self is harkened with celebration of returning home. Your Love filled joy radiates out from your divine essence in ripples that touch all. From the perspective of your I AM Self, you see your mission of Love.  You see the perfection of each moment in your life.

Every second spent in this most exalted realm amplifies, fills, restores the wells of your being with radiant light. The synergistic quality of this moment will be reflected in your days. Feel your own presence, brilliant, whole, perfect, complete. Now you have come full circle. The space opening before you is exalted communication, as you answer the call of your I AM Self and now live your life from that perspective.

And so it is.


121. The Beauty of You

You don’t see it. How magnificent you are. The deep calling of your soul is your North star. Your soul’s sacred vow emanates in your every moment. There’s something different about you. Your divine essence fills the room.

Where most live within illusion, you carry the light of your essence as a beacon for all who choose to live beyond the veil. It takes something to hold sacred the agreement to find your way through the darkness to the brilliance of your divine light where your greatest contribution may be expressed.

Evolutionary leader, Love’s voice, innovator of new thought, reflection of compassion, peace, grace, and joy. You are the visionary.

Who you are is the vision of Love.
