Walking Enlightenment

Walking enlightenment is not always a path of unicorns and doughnuts. Walking the path of enlightenment means you bring all of you to each moment in your life. It means you have taken responsibility for being your Self in your wholeness as you are able to express it in the moment. Enlightenment is not a separation from living in the physical realm. Enlightenment allows you to experience your Self and your life from an expansive perspective. You will notice that you will feel the pain of those around you more. You will notice you will feel the pain of the Earth more. You will feel the action or inaction of the collective consciousness more acutely as well. You see and you will know more, because your senses have been tuned to the fine frequencies of your own soul. And so, you sense acutely from your multidimensionality. What you also hold is divine perspective, previously unavailable. You have the ability to choose your frequency. You may shift your frequency by choice. When you are feeling weighed down by events of the world or of your life, remember your ability to access perspective where what was hidden is revealed, allowing clarity.

As you continue to live on the edge of the known and unknown realms, because there is never any end to your evolutionary movement, you will notice the edge of the known and unknown follows you like a shadow. The fears you held for staying small may not vanish completely in the brilliant light of your divine truth. Allow, Dear One, the fears to walk beside you as you continue to choose the path of your own divine essence. You will experience the discomfort of an edge that at times compels you to your next step. When you experience the exalted and exquisite beauty of your own divine connection it is at times startling to also be reminded of the density of humanity. Now, as an enlightened being, having connected with your own essential Self, you own the gradient of light expression that is you. Dwelling in the chaos of your internal fears is now an indulgence to the lower-frequency part of you. You have the ability to rise like the phoenix to the heights of your divine essence. You see the challenges in front of you as an opportunity for something yet to be revealed. As you hold the space of choosing clarity, choosing to BE Love, choosing to express your greatest you, you know you will move beyond difficulties. You walk with ease at the edge of the known and unknown realms.

You have the ability to hold a powerful and potent perspective. That is your gift. You hold the door open for possibility. You hold the vision for alignment that brings peace, grace, and Love for All. And you honor the choice of those that have chosen something else. Your perspective is great enough you see that All truly is well. You see the perfection in each moment and grasp the opportunity to BE your perfect expression of Love Now. You respond to life inspired by your highest expression and bring your best into the world living the contribution you came here to be. As you take responsibility for being your greatest Self, the barriers that once stopped you vanish in your intention. You no longer blend in. You stand out to be seen and heard, and to contribute.

You now know you are the answer. You ARE the light of the world. You hold infinity in your hand and the emanations of the divine within your heart. Your greatest work is you being you.

The Council of Light


Excerpt from In Service to Love

Book Three: Love Now


A New Earth


In Service to Love: Living on the Edge of Creation