Rewriting the Landscape of Possibility
There is no mistaking the turbulent transformation that envelopes our lives, our nations, and our global Mother. It is clear the way of being that was previously, is no longer able to meet the moment. So, what are we to do? Scramble to find a new brand of right? Develop more skills to manage what is? Dig in and reinforce justification for past behavior? What if the experience of a reality that is unrecognizable may be embraced as a gift? What if nothing is wrong? What if we are invited to BE more? To grow up?
The pertinent question is, “Who are we going to BE.” Consider now is not the time for change, now is the time for re-imagining, for transformation, for original thought Sourced by Love, for reaching into the field of possibility to our greatest expression. Now is the time to consider WE are at the leading edge of a renaissance for what it means to BE human. Every fiber of my internal guidance points to nothing less than a rebirth of humanity.
Consider the rebirth at hand is as natural as learning to walk and then to run, as natural as moving from high school to college. In each instance we already possess everything we need to make the transition. However, we may not look behind us for answers. Clarity exists as we have the courage to look where we have not looked before, to hold a perspective not previously available. It is only through reaching into the unknown, considering our own divine essence and claiming our own wholeness that we may begin to live and create from the sacred that honors All. Then, we may fulfill the promise of Love for humanity as unity consciousness.
As a divine Scribe in the lineage of Thoth, I have the rich opportunity and honor, to be in conscious conversation for the past seven years (actually since I was four years old), with the Masters of the Council of Light: Jesus, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Michael, Thoth, Buddha, Isis, Mary Magdalene, Melchizadek, Metatron, Sanat Kumara, St. Germain, the White Brotherhood, and many, many, more. If you could talk to the Ascended Masters, to the Elohim, about humanity now, what would they say? What would their guidance be? The answer is a resounding, “LOVE.” Love is the answer to all questions. Their request is, “Know us Now.”
You too may sit under the ancient olive trees feeling the presence of the Masters, and know their invitation for humanity now, is personally delivered to each one of us as you read and experience their messages. Their initial year of messages through me are captured in the three-book series of In Service to Love, A Dynamic Experience of Consciousness, Transformation and Enlightenment (Published by Waterside Productions).
I have been both student and scribe, living each day’s message and lesson. Daily, I am met with unspeakable Love and invitation to not only consider my own divine expression but learn to move within my divine nature as easily as my human nature. “Darlene, learn to dance the ladder of frequency.”
This is claiming my own wholeness. This is enlightenment. This is not an enlightenment that lives as unreachable, a fad, a bumper sticker, or a nice thought for some perhaps, instead it is forwarded as a reality that makes a difference in life now. My writing continues to evolve, expanding my capacity for translating light and consciousness. The messages evolve as well continuing the invitation for each of us to accept the outstretched hands of the divine and take the next step toward our own greatest and most authentic expression.
The process has been communicated to me (and experienced by me) as only a slight shift in perspective. “Beloved, look over here. See yourself as we see you. You already ARE everything you need or could dream of.” As we look beyond what we think we know and turn the diamond of our being ever so slightly, a new facet is revealed.
As we walk with faith and in answer to a deep calling, we are supported by the unseen sacred, by Love. We release the burden of density that clouds our view and limits access to our own divine nature so we may elevate our perspective to the vision of I AM.
Access to I AM and communication with Love itself is a reality, not an ethereal dream. How could it be anything less that is needed at this time of human evolution? For those that stand undeterred in their own perfect expression of Love, I see you and honor every step you take at the leading edge of possibility for All.