Day 186: Adapting to a Changing World

The world in which you live is always evolving. The work we do together requires skill in adapting to an ever-changing inner landscape. As you change from one state of awareness to another your human nature will fight for limitations and living within a world of “known,” while your divine nature will beckon you beyond perceived barriers. You hold many access points for integrating the vast realms you reside within, and which reside within you. The principles we present are applicable equally for your inner world and the material world.

The natural evolutionary process demands an ability to adjust, be resilient, and to be tenacious to survive. You are responding to the pressures of shifting reality on all levels. On the physical plane those pressures are from your environment and the constant influx of information and demands to keep up. If you live your life from the perspective of being an argument for comfort you knew in the past, you miss the boat. The inner realms also point to a new reality you can’t place your arms and understanding around.

The challenges of a shifting landscape require conscious skills. Each new level of awareness asks for an ability to adapt. Your ability to be fluid is valuable. As if you are shifting gears, allow your awareness to no longer depend on the material world you see as the only source of truth. Allow your awareness to expand easily as a natural expression of you. As you develop fluidity, you surf the waves of events gathering that which is yours to see, do, be, and have with ease. Understand there is no loss of potency in being fluid. You may be connected fully to your physical environment and connect easily with the vast expression you hold in light simultaneously.

At times, the thought of inner work feels daunting when immediate needs demand physical-world attention. We remind you there is no separation. As you work on your inner being, you bring your awareness to the skills needed to have an enriching, satisfying physical life. Equally, the physical-world experiences during your day support all the inner knowing, resonance, and contrast needed for your expansion of awareness.

Today we return to ease and delight in what is possible.

~Excerpt from In Service to Love

Book Two: Love Elevated


Rewriting the Landscape of Possibility


The Unknown of You