The Unknown of You
The realm of possibility ushered in with accessing your divine nature is a vibrating field of possibility just outside the sphere of what you think you know. The invitation to your expansive divine nature that resides in light requires you occupy the Now moment, become willing to notice the wisdom that has been hidden below your perception until now, and become curious about your expansive nature.
Your divine nature envelops the infinite. You, as Source in form hold the same qualities as Source. You are both form and light. More of you resides in light than in form. From the perspective of your humanity only, nothing else is possible. As you are willing to shift your awareness to view life from the perspective of your divine nature/your I AM Self, you are claiming your wholeness. As you develop an intention and willingness to explore your expression that resides in light you may then claim your divine birthright.
When your human experience is one of living a concrete, ironclad past with real concerns, how do you move into a new realm? By changing your mind. Being willing to see something new. Give up the idea of being right, or wrong. By choosing to no longer be willing to be limited in your perspective you take the first steps to claiming your expanded awareness. By taking a stand for your own wholeness, wisdom, and mastery!
This program is designed to facilitate a shift in consciousness. What is consciousness? A place of your awareness that informs your day, experience, beliefs, limitations, and that is a space you create from. Many levels of consciousness exist.
When you decide to focus your attention toward something new, something new will show up. The discovery occurs beyond your limitations. As you hold the opinions of your personality gently at bay, you begin to live on purpose.
Excerpt from Love is the Beacon
Workshop One